Manuscript Publishers

Nourish: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Nourish is an imprint of Watkins Publishing, which was established in 1893. It is a UK based press with good distribution through Penguin Random House. Nourish focuses on publishing work related to “food and drink”, whereas Watkins as a whole focuses on ” mind, body & spirit”. Watkins Publishing is not currently open to submissions…

Lantern Publishing & Media: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Lantern Publishing & Media has a bit of unusual history, as they were initially founded as Lantern Books in 1999, which was a traditional for-profit press that was focused on the “principles of living with a greater depth and commitment to the preservation of the natural world”. Lantern Publishing & Media describes the work they…

Hatherleigh: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Hatherleigh is a nonfiction publisher focused on publishing books about health and wellness, fitness and exercise, living with chronic diseases, as well self help books and books focused on sustainability and green living. They are distributed by Penguin Random House. They accept both ideas and proposals from authors, but unless you have an existing platform…

Monarch Educational Services: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated March 2024 Monarch Educational Service’s Publishing arm was founded in 2021 and bills themselves as a “boutique publishing house” and a “full-service traditional publishing company,” even though the name “educational services” implies otherwise. They focus on publishing work for middle grade readers and young adults. They also recently started an imprint, Caterpillar, that is…

No Starch Press: Now Accepting Book Proposals

No Starch Press is a small press that focuses on publishing work on technology, particularly work with “a focus on open source, security, hacking, programming, alternative operating systems, LEGO®, science, and math.” Their motto is “the finest in geek entertainment.” They are distributed by Penguin Random House. You can get a good feel for what…

Golden Storyline Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Note: Usually we keep our updates in chronological order starting with the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottom but because of the amount of updates required here, and their relationship to each other, we’ve condensed and reorganized all the updates to go here. The latest update for this note, is…

Blue Star Press: Accepting Proposals

Updated August 1st, 2024 Blue Star Press is based out of Bend, Oregon, and is distributed by Penguin Random House Publisher Services. The work they publish includes work focused “on the arts, creative processes, wellness, and witty non-fiction”. They were founded in 2015 in San Antonio Texas. They link to press coverage about their books…

Flyaway Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Flyaway Books is a children’s book publisher focused only on children’s picture books. The focus of their books is on “diversity, inclusivity, compassion, care for each other, and care for our world”. They are an imprint of Westminster John Knox Press which is part of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, but many of the books that…

Repeater Books: Open to Manuscript Submissions

Updated August 8th 2024: They appear to have removed their submission guidelines from their website and appear to be no longer open to submissions. Repeater Books was founded in 2014 by Mark Fisher, Tariq Goddard, Etan Ilfeld, and others, as an imprint of Watkins publishing, which has been around since 1983. You can learn more…

G Editions: Now Accepting Book Proposals

G Editions is a small press that focuses on publishing books in the following areas of interest: fine art and popular culture, fashion and photography, architecture and design, cooking and gardening, children’s interests, and lifestyle. Their website is beautiful, easy to use, and well organized. It is focused on selling books, and you can get…

Gingko Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated June 23, 2023 Gingko Press is a nonfiction publisher that has published work by a number of well known authors and brands. They are the official publisher of Marshall McLuhan and they have worked with his estate since 1999. You can read more about their other partnerships and imprints here. They were founded in…

Tiny Ghost Press: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Tiny Ghost Press is a small press that focuses on publishing YA fiction that centers LGBTQIA+ characters. This means that in their own words, they want “YOUNG ADULT novels, written from a QUEER perspective, That is stories featuring a queer protagonist or from a queer author. We’re interested in everything from contemporary romance, to dystopian…

52 Traditional Children’s Book Publishers Seeking Submissions (No Agent Required)

All of the publishers on this list publish children’s books. Some just publish picture books, some publish only middle-grade fiction, and some publish a wide variety of genres aimed at adults as well. Some are looking for educational work, others are open to anything. A number of these publishers are large and established. Others are…

Rogue Phoenix Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Founded in 2008 by a mother and son team, Rogue Phoenix Press is one of the few eBook focused and Print on Demand publishers that survived from that period. There’s an extensive thread on them in the water cooler at Absolute Write that is very informative. They originally forced authors to buy copies of their…

Westminster John Knox Press (WJK): Now Accepting Book Proposals

Westminster John Knox Press (WJK) is the academic and trade imprint of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. They have published many established Christian scholars, including Marjorie Thompson, Cornel West, and Rowan Williams. They are just a faith based publisher which means all of their work is rooted in Christianity, and they are not a good publisher…

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