Speculative Fiction

Elk Lake Publishing Inc: Accepting Proposals

This small press’s motto is “Publishing the Positive”. They were founded in 2016 by Deb Haggerty, whom you can learn more about here. Elk Lake focuses on publishing positive Christian books. Their website is a little out of date, and poorly organized. Although the main page clearly focuses on highlighting recent books, I didn’t find…

Black Beacon Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Black Beacon Books is a small press that was established in 2013. It was founded in Australia, but since then has moved to Brittany, France. They publish mysteries, suspense, horror, and post-apocalyptic fiction. They have a Patreon, and regularly publish anthologies. In fact, they have two open calls for anthologies right now which you can…

Psychonaut Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update August 2023, they now charge 5 dollars to submit, so they no longer qualify for a listing with us. Psychonaut Press is currently hosting an open reading period for full-length speculative fiction novels. We do not review brand new publishers without track records, but even though Psychonaut Press has yet to publish any books,…

AK Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

AK Press is a worker-managed, independent publisher and book distributor that focuses on publishing and distributing radical left and anarchist literature. They were founded in Scotland in 1990, but are now largely based in Chico, California. Their distribution, both for themselves and others, is excellent, and they’ve distributed work by major authors, like Yaa Gyasi…

City Owl Press: Accepting Queries

Updated January 2025 In early March 2024,   Strauss at Writer Beware published a blog post about City Owl which you can read here. It’s a complex ongoing situation and one we are monitoring but I wouldn’t submit to City Owl without spending time reading the post and all the comments first. Some of the comments…

Polis Books: Now Accepting Book Queries

Updated April 28th, 2024: They went under quickly and all that was really shared was a twitter post here, with the sreenshot below (from the founding editor) Polis Books is an independent publisher of fiction and nonfiction, founded in 2013. Their focus is on publishing new voices. They are a technologically driven company. They publish…

Black Spot Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 22cd, 2019 – They are currently closed to submissions and that part of the site is currently password protected. We will keep tabs on the site and see if/when they re-open to direct submissions. Black Spot Books just celebrated its one-year anniversary. They are a new speculative fiction publisher that considers work in…

Twelfth Planet Press: Now Seeking Novella Submissions

Twelfth Planet Press is a small electronic press focusing primarily on publishing novellas by women and other marginalized writers in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror and more recently, crime. They particularly hope to publish Australian writers but they have had no geographic limits on their recent submission calls. They really want to publish…

Small Beer Press: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated February 2024: Due to ongoing health issues they are closed to submissions for the foreseeable future.  Small Beer Press has now been around for over a decade and published some rather well known authors including Ursula K. Le Guin. They publish literary work leaning towards the speculative. Although, to really know what they publish…

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