Special Feature

Five Tips for Submitting Your Work for Publication

If you’ve never sent your creative writing out to a literary journal before, the experience can be intimidating. Many productive writers try to avoid submitting; however there is no real way around it if you want to get your work out into the world. This article contains five tips for submitting your work.  I have…

Why Every Writer Should Belong to a Book Club

Written By Ruth O’Neil I had an epiphany the other day. Maybe it won’t be one for you, but here it is: every writer should be part of a book club. Yup. Sounds simple, but it’s true. What caused this epiphany, you may wonder? The ladies in my book club. We were discussing the past…

5 Free & Cheap Editing Options for Your Manuscript

Written Anne Hogue-Boucher Being a writer sure is easy! It’s just a matter of working up a first draft and publishing it as-is without any rewrites or editing, right? No? If you’re a writer who self-publishes, or keeps getting rejected from publishing houses because your manuscript still needs work, then you understand the importance of…

4 Online Writing Communities You Should Consider Joining

Writing is mostly a solitary activity. You have to dig deep into your brain, organize your thoughts, and then put those thoughts on paper. No one can do that for you. That said, you cannot write in a vacuum. In order to write content that is worthy of publication, you have to interact with other…

Three Anthologies Seeking Submissions

These three anthologies all have very different focuses but they are all seeking submissions. One is looking for poems relating to Bob Dylan, one is looking for essays using readymade forms, and one is looking for work by queer writers about the natural world. Visiting Bob An anthology published by NEW RIVERS PRESS  called Visiting…

8 Reasons Why Writing Is The Best Thing Ever

Writing is a tough business at times. It is hard work, financially crippling, and a path filled with self-doubt. Writers often complain of low incomes, and lack of support. Not to mention non-existent critical acclaim. All these things are true, of course, but let’s also not forget how much fun writing is. Putting the negatives…

15 Magazines that Publish Writing by Children and Teens

Last Updated July 2020 The following is a list of literary journals and magazines that publish writing by children and teenagers. Some of them accept submissions from adults – and all of them accept submissions from youth of various ages. Not all of them are currently open to submissions but most are. Children Stone SoupThis…

Seven Christian Publishers Open To Submissions

The following seven publishers all focus primarily on publishing Christian books for Christian audiences. Some are non-fiction publishers, some are fiction publishers. All are open to unsolicited submissions. Actually, it is important to note that most Christian publishers are open to unsolicited submissions, so if you read a Christian book that you like, look up…

What Not To Do: An Agent’s Perspective

First of all, I realize that many writers today want to bypass agencies. There’s a lot of that going on lately in the self-publishing world, and I champion it. So why am I writing this advice piece? Because once you succeed in selling and marketing your work, you may get dream offers. If so, you might…

P is for Procrastinate: The ABC’s of Good Procrastination Habits

I am no marathon writer. I sprint, then break by tackling something, anything else – as long as it’s productive. That is what my definition of a good procrastination habit is: a temporary transition from one task to any other of equal or greater importance. It only took me three decades to let go of…

How #PitMad Works: Instantly Pitch Book Publishers Via Twitter

Written By Rebecca Ann Smith #PitMad is a quarterly Twitter pitch party coordinated by writer and social media guru Brenda Drake. There was an event on 17 March 2016 and I decided to give it a try. There are several Twitter pitching events out there and they all have slightly different rules and entry requirements….

The Top 10 Lessons I’ve Learned From Authors in Movies

Written By Erica Secor Everything I ever needed to know about being an author I’ve learned from authors in movies. May these nuggets of wisdom guide you along your path to authorship: LESSON #10 – THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING (2001) What They Said: Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm) contemplates his…

A Busy Mother’s Guide to Establishing a Writing Life

Written by Jean Knight Pace As a mother of four young children and a writer, the question I most often get is, “How do you find time to write?” Usually I answer that I stay up too late. That is true. But there are a few other (healthier) habits I’ve found helpful as a mother-writer….

Build Your Captive Audience With These 4 Free Websites

A captive audience. That’s what you need if you want you want to build your reputation as a writer. Having a loyal audience will make your life easier. You will have better opportunities to earn a living as a writer. You will also have it easier when you publish an ebook or two for sale….

#PitMad About You: 3 Authors Discuss Pitching via #Pitmad

To learn more about what #PitMad  is read Rebecca Ann Smith‘s article about how #PitMad works. If Twitter is a writer’s playground, then “pitch parties” are that spinning-platform-of-death thingy that makes you giddy, terrified, and nauseous. Of all the pitch parties out there, #PitMad may be the most reputable. But what is it? To find…

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