
The Truth About Poetry Manuscripts

Novelists and non-fiction writers face a lot of hurdles on their road to publication, but they are very different than the ones faced by poets. The major hurdle that poets face is reading and contest fees. I always tell writers looking to publish fiction or non-fiction that they should never pay a traditional publisher.  I…

Quote of the Week

Writing Contest: Invent A Word

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week, but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest winner…

Two Genre Fiction Anthologies Open For Submissions

Anthologies are a great way to get your foot in the door with a publisher, they generally have pretty good distribution, and some are even taught in classrooms. One of the anthologies is looking for mystery stories and the other is looking for speculative fiction pieces. An Anthology of Destination Mysteries published by Darkhouse is…

Pith: A New Journal Open To Submissions

Pith is a brand new online literary journal that has just opened to submissions from poets and writers. Their first issue is forthcoming later this year. They have a fun website and some interesting details about what they are looking for. They feel very contemporary and are looking to publish unusual work. Pith publishes poems,…

Writing Prompt: Everyone Has A . . .

“Everybody’s got a water buffalo. Yours is fast, but mine is slow. Oh where’d we get them, I don’t know, but everybody’s got a water buffalo-oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ” – From Silly Songs With Larry, Veggie Tales I was a child when I first heard this silly, and very short song, but it got stuck in my…

Quote of the Week

Six Word Memoir

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week, but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest winner…

Alternatives to Submission Fees

There is a dangerous trend happening. Literary journals are charging writers to submit their work. Last summer we published an article called We Are Taking A Stand Against Literary Journals The Charge Submission Fees. It started a discussion that was picked up all over the web. The focus of the article was on the growing…

Writing Prompt: The Movie Version

Today’s prompt is non-fiction with a twist. I want you to think about something that has happened to you recently. It should be a pretty minor event, but not too minor. Perhaps your dog had puppies, or you had to babysit a stranger’s child for an hour. Nothing life changing. If you want it can…

Quote of the Week

One Throne: Now Accepting Submissions

One Throne is an electronic journal based out of Canada. They put out four issues every year. They publish narrative non-fiction, flash fiction, fiction, and poetry. They are open to genre work including science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, and mystery. They respond to most submissions in less than a week, but do not query unless…

How to Develop a Good Writing Habit

Habits make up almost half the actions we do every day. They are certain things that we do so often that we feel the reward of completing them even before we do so. Charles Duhigg, a reporter for the New York Times wrote a great book about habits called The Power of Habit. That book…

The Funniest New Year’s Resolution

This week we are publishing the results of two contents (in separate posts) because the holidays interrupted our regularly scheduled program. Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page….

Describe A Family Member Using Ten Words

This week we are publishing the results of two contents (in separate posts) because the holidays interrupted our regularly scheduled program. Congratulations to the winners of this weeks writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page….

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