
époque press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

époque press is an independent publisher based between Brighton, Dublin and New York. They publish literary fiction, and only literary fiction, but it can be novel length or in short story format. They published their first volume in 2018. They also run an online é-zine. So if you want to test the waters before submitting…

Silver Stork: Now Seeking Submissions

Silver Stork is an attractively designed multimedia journal of poetry, prose, visual art, video, and sound. Each themed issue collects and curates a wide variety of perspectives on a single subject. To get a sense of Silver Stork’s aesthetic, you can read past issues online. They’re looking for inspiring, inventive writing. Silver Stork publishes two…

Simple Ways to Generate New Writing Ideas

By Christine M. Estel Approximately five years ago, while perusing the office and stationery supplies in Marshalls, I stumbled upon a book entitled, 642 Things to Write About, priced at under $15.00, and I bought it without really studying the contents. When I got home and looked inside, I saw no page numbers, but I…

10 Markets for Literary Fiction in December 2020

These 10 magazines accept literary fiction, and they are open for submissions now. Many of them accept other genres too, like non-fiction and poetry, and some outlets pay writers. Apart these, several premier (and paying) literary magazines that accept literary fiction are also open for submissions now. These include AGNI, Bennington Review, Grain Magazine, Ninth…

Bad Dream Entertainment: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED MARCH 2023: They did not release a book in 2022 as expected, and so I’m tentativly marking them as defunct. Bad Dream Entertainment is a small press that focuses on publishing dark fiction, horror, science fiction, and humor. They were founded in 2013 by Brett Reistroffer. Early on Reistroffer self-published his first book through…

The Dillydoun Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Dillydoun Review is a brand new online journal of fiction (including flash), poetry (including prose poetry), creative nonfiction, articles, essays, interviews, and reviews. A “dillydoun” is a “little lullaby,” and just as lullabies present complex subjects simply and succinctly, The Dillydoun Review is looking for writing that’s cogent, clear, and layered with meaning. The…

3 Editing Tools Every Writer Should Be Using

By Holly Garcia As a writer, the goal is to present your best work before you submit, which won’t happen on your first draft, and probably not on your second; as they say, third time’s the charm.   Each round of edits serves its own purpose. The first time you edit, make sure what you’re writing…

Statement: Now Seeking Submissions

Statement is a well-established, award-winning literary journal. For 70 years they’ve published poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, scripts, graphic novels, translations, and hybrid writing in an attractive print annual. Helmed at California State University’s Los Angeles campus, Statement is edited by students studying creative writing. The journal features writing by prominent authors alongside writing by unknown…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in December 2020

These markets pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry submissions. They are a mix of literary and genre fiction markets.   Neon Hemlock Press: Baffling MagazineThis is a new speculative fiction magazine; their first issue was in October 2020. Their guidelines say, “We are looking for speculative stories that explore science fiction, fantasy, and horror with a…

The Key to Promoting Your Non-Fiction Book on Facebook

By Ellen Levitt If you have written non-fiction books as I have, there are effective ways in which to market your books online, especially by creating a designated Facebook page for them and for any related services such as lectures and tours. You will want this page to be highly visual and inviting. A Facebook…

Announcing the Third and Fourth Recipients of the Authors Publish Fund for Literary Journals

Starting in September, Authors Publish has been contributing to a different literary journal each month through our new fund, about which you can learn more here. Recipients of the funding are selected using a random number generator. Because the holiday season is altering our schedule a little, we are announcing two recipients of $150 (US)…

Handheld Press: Accepting Submissions

Updated August 8th, 2024: They just announced that they published their last book and are winding down business as a publisher. Handheld Press is a UK-based press that is currently open to submissions of reprints (books that were traditionally published but have since gone out of print), and works of research-based nonfiction. They plan to…

Volney Road Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Volney Road Review is a paying online publisher of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry based in Youngstown, Ohio. They aim to showcase the unpublished treasures of both emerging and established authors. “Send us the work that you think will change the world,” they say. They pay $10 per published piece. Volney Road Review accepts submissions twice…

The Importance of Writing Challenges

Someone told me about NaNoWriMo for the first time when I was 19. I had never heard of a writing challenge before, but the idea of there being a National Novel Writing Month, where writers attempted to complete a manuscript in just one month, was very exciting to me. I really liked the idea of…

Golden Antelope: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update August 2023: They did not reopen to submissions in April as expected. They publish poetry, short stories, novellas, novels, plays, and works of creative nonfiction. They are a small press. They were founded in 2008 but initially, the founding editors Neal and Betsy Delmonico mostly published family and friends. Publications were sporadic. That shifted…

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