
Genre: A Novel’s Flavor

By Modupeh Duncan Writing a novel comes with many challenges: finding time to write on a busy schedule, developing a consistent and intriguing plot, navigating character threads, creating well-rounded, realistic characters, etc. But something that most people do not spend enough time thinking about is genre. Selecting a genre seems almost intuitive; however, there is…

Claret Press: Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Claret Press is a UK based press founded in 2015. It is an independent press that focuses on publishing works of political fiction and creative nonfiction. They publish a minimum of three books a year. Most books are offered in print and digital format. Some also have an audio option. They do not have traditional…

Déraciné: Now Seeking Submissions

Déraciné is an online journal of dark fiction, poetry, and art. A déraciné  is a person who feels displaced, and Déraciné magazine hopes to raise awareness of psychological issues and feelings of displacement. Using elements of the literary gothic, horror, and fantasy, Déraciné explores the shadow of the psyche. To get a sense of what they…

Agate Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Agate Publishing is a small press located in Evanston Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. They started in 2002 with their Bolden imprint and initially published only African American authors before expanding from there. They have good distribution within the United States. They are only open to queries, which means that you can only send your…

Philosophical Idiot: Now Seeking Submissions

Philosophical Idiot is an online journal for weirdos. It’s a creative playspace featuring work that’s easy to read but hard to digest. They like writing that’s odd, angsty, and/or hilarious. They don’t have rules. To get a sense of their style, you can read past issues online. Launched in July 2017, Philosophical Idiot has published…

Three Reasons To Work With An Editor On Your Book

Ben Graff For any writer, knowing how to make your book the best it can possibly be, is not an easy question. For the new author it is even more acute. What you have written matters. You have lived with the story for so long in your head. All those desk hours later something real…

Princeton Architectural Press: Accepting Submissions

Princeton Architectural Press is a small press that focuses on publishing books on architecture, design, photography, landscape, and visual culture. They also publish beautiful stationary and children’s books. They are based in New York. In 2009 they were bought by McEvoy Group. They are now a sister company to Chronicle Books. They have excellent distribution…

Lamplit Underground: Now Seeking Submissions

Lamplit Underground is an online journal of strange beauty. Named after the image of children hiding by lamplight in an underground fort, Lamplit Underground features eerie adventure and unexpected fear. They publish both new and established authors, and they accept all forms and styles of writing—though they prefer eccentricity. You can get a sense of…

Five Literary Journals that Publish Social Justice Writing

By Uma Menon The following is a list of five literary journals and magazines that encourage and publish submissions of social justice writing. Glass: A Journal of Poetry Glass: A Journal of Poetry includes a special feature, Poets Resist, dedicated to resistance poems on current events. They are looking for work that engages with political…

How to Reach International Readers With Your Books

by K.A. Wiggins The US is (still) the largest English-language book market, but the gap is rapidly shrinking. China’s publishing industry is taking off. India’s millions of English-speakers spend twice as much time reading as Americans. Italy and Germany have strong translation markets. Whether independent or traditionally published, authors who overlook the value of connecting…

Ad Lumen Press : Seeking Manuscript Submissions Through August 15th

Ad Lumen Press was founded at American River College in Sacramento, California in 2013. The founder is author and professor Christian Kiefer. They are the only university-style press based out of a community college in the United States. Because they are part of a college, the press is actually used in part as a tool…

Dunes Review: Now Seeking Submissions

A print journal established in 1996, Dunes Review has been publishing poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for 22 years. Helmed in Northern Michigan, Dunes Review is the area’s foremost independent literary journal. Work published in Dunes Review has been reprinted in the Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses anthology. To get a sense of…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in August 2019

These literary magazines are accepting work during August, and they pay. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and not all are open until the end of the month, so it is best to get submissions in early. Ruminate Magazine They want fiction and poetry “that engages the contemplative spirit of our journal…

Inside an Independent Bookstore: What Writers Should Know

By David Perez I’m a writer and published author working at Op. Cit., a locally owned, independent bookstore in Taos, New Mexico. Formerly called Moby Dickens, the shop has been in business for thirty years. From my decade of employment there, I’d like to offer a few insights. First, the sheer volume of books published…

Flame Tree Press: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Update December 8th, 2023: Hachette UK recently announced that they became a shareholder of Flame Tree Publishing. Hachette UK has been the companies distributor for a while now. Flame Tree Press is an imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Flame Tree Press focuses on publishing speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror and crime fiction. They have…

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