
Other Guy Publishing: Now Seeking Book Manuscripts

UPDATE MAY 13TH, 2016: Their submission page remains the same but their email says they are closed to submissions for the foreseeable future. Other Guy Publishing is a small e-publisher. They publish print editions of all of their full length books. They focus on selling books on Amazon. Their slogan is “publishing fresh perspectives and…

5 Free & Cheap Editing Options for Your Manuscript

Written Anne Hogue-Boucher Being a writer sure is easy! It’s just a matter of working up a first draft and publishing it as-is without any rewrites or editing, right? No? If you’re a writer who self-publishes, or keeps getting rejected from publishing houses because your manuscript still needs work, then you understand the importance of…

4 Online Writing Communities You Should Consider Joining

Writing is mostly a solitary activity. You have to dig deep into your brain, organize your thoughts, and then put those thoughts on paper. No one can do that for you. That said, you cannot write in a vacuum. In order to write content that is worthy of publication, you have to interact with other…

Blaze: Now Seeking Book Manuscript Submissions

Updated April 13, 2018: They are now permanently closed. Do not submit! Blaze is a new print and electronic publisher focusing on publishing fiction books for young adults and middle grade readers. They seek to publish books in a wide variety of genres including fantasy, science fiction, and horror, as long as that book has…

Three Anthologies Seeking Submissions

These three anthologies all have very different focuses but they are all seeking submissions. One is looking for poems relating to Bob Dylan, one is looking for essays using readymade forms, and one is looking for work by queer writers about the natural world. Visiting Bob An anthology published by NEW RIVERS PRESS  called Visiting…

Ashland Creek Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Ashland Creek Press is a boutique press dedicated to publishing books with a world view. The fiction and non-fiction they publish is about the environment, animal protection, ecology, and wildlife. Books they have published have received critical acclaim from a number of magazines including Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Booklist, and Kirkus Reviews. They are open…

8 Reasons Why Writing Is The Best Thing Ever

Writing is a tough business at times. It is hard work, financially crippling, and a path filled with self-doubt. Writers often complain of low incomes, and lack of support. Not to mention non-existent critical acclaim. All these things are true, of course, but let’s also not forget how much fun writing is. Putting the negatives…

The Fictional Café: Now Accepting Submissions

The Fictional Café is an online magazine and forum for authors and artists, publishing new poetry, fiction, novel excerpts, podcasts, and artwork of all genres each month. Like a virtual coffee shop, The Fictional Café is a meeting place for authors and artists to read, share, and discuss great writing and artwork. Members can inspire…

Crimson Frost Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated May 30th, 2018: There have been reports by authors of non payment of royalties over a large period of time. Would avoid this publisher for the time being. Will provide updates when able. Crimson Frost is a Canadian ebook publisher that was established 2013. They state explicitly on their website that they publish ebooks…

15 Magazines that Publish Writing by Children and Teens

Last Updated July 2020 The following is a list of literary journals and magazines that publish writing by children and teenagers. Some of them accept submissions from adults – and all of them accept submissions from youth of various ages. Not all of them are currently open to submissions but most are. Children Stone SoupThis…

Plum Tree Tavern: Now Seeking Submissions

Plum Tree Tavern is an online poetry journal founded in 2015. They only publish poetry about nature and ecology. Most of the poems that they publish are between 3 and 14 lines in length. They prefer works that focus on the image rather than the narrator’s opinion. Naturally they have published a large number of…

Seven Christian Publishers Open To Submissions

The following seven publishers all focus primarily on publishing Christian books for Christian audiences. Some are non-fiction publishers, some are fiction publishers. All are open to unsolicited submissions. Actually, it is important to note that most Christian publishers are open to unsolicited submissions, so if you read a Christian book that you like, look up…

Door is a Jar Magazine: Now Accepting Submissions

An emerging online and print magazine founded in 2015, Door is a Jar publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, and art. With a preference for simple language and engaging voices, Door is a Jar Magazine aims to be an open book (or door): a publication accessible to all readers. They honor the diversity of both readers…

Black Elephant: Now Accepting Submissions

Black Elephant is a new online and soon-to-be print journal hoping to shake up the literary landscape with boundary-breaking new writing. They want to showcase voices that challenge convention and defy form. They want to celebrate stories, poems, essays, spoken word pieces, photographs, and short films that speak subtly and viscerally, with textured layers of…

Asimov’s Science Fiction: Always Accepting Unpublished Fiction

Written by Eleanor Matama Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine is one of the better-paying markets there is out there, for science fiction content. This science fiction magazine predominantly favors character-oriented short stories and poetry. Asimov’s Science Fiction is very flexible as to what constitutes a short story. You can submit a short story between 1000-20,000 words…

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