
Angry Robot: Now Accepting Book Manuscript Submissions

Angry Robot is a respected science fiction and fantasy publisher that occasionally dips into related genres (such as urban fantasy, steampunk, and horror). Angry Robot was originally funded by HarperCollins. They are now part of Watkins Media Ltd. They offer advances and good royalty rates. The contract they offer covers print, e-book, and audio book…

Valparaiso Poetry Review: Now Accepting Submissions

Valparaiso Poetry Review is a biannual online journal of poetry and poetics published by Valparaiso University. Showcasing new, emerging, and established writers side-by-side, Valparaiso Poetry Review invites readers to discover new voices while rediscovering past favorites. Alongside original poems, they feature author interviews, book reviews, and essays about poetry and poetics. Though they publish all…

Samhain Publishing: Book Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Updated June 13th 2016 Samahin has closed their doors. Do not submit. Samhain Publishing is an independent publisher of romance and horror books.  They publish digital and print versions. They have good distribution. Founded in 2005 as a digital only publisher, they have now published over 2200 titles by over 600 authors. Just from glancing…

2 Anthologies Seeking Submission

Some great forthcoming anthologies are currently seeking submissions. The Shellgame: An essay anthology Submissions are open for an anthology of essays that borrow readymade forms, to be published by the University of Nebraska Press in 2018.  What they mean by readymade forms is essays that borrow their structures from ordinary, extra-literary sources (a recipe, a…

6 Popular Myths about Book Publication

As a writer who receives multiple emails each week about publishing, there are a number of myths about publishing that I encounter repeatedly.  Different writers tell them to me as if they are fact. Some myths are ones I believed starting out. Some contain truth. Many are entirely false. Believing in one or more of…

Building An Author Platform

Building an author platform is something all authors should be concerned with. It is important for both independently and traditionally published authors. In my opinion, it should not even matter if you have not finished your book yet. You can, and should, start building that platform now. But what exactly is an author platform, why should you…

Inklette: Now Accepting Essays, Fiction, Poetry

Inklette is a newborn literary quarterly that’s growing up fast. This fledgling project began just over a year ago as a humble e-newsletter, and then quickly took flight across the world, publishing emerging and established authors from the United States, Brazil, Turkey, and India. Produced by high school and college students from around the country,…

Boxcar Poetry Review: Now Accepting Submissions of Poetry

Like a train barreling out of a mountain, the poetry in Boxcar Review is both surprising and uncompromising—a vehicle of irresistible force that transports readers beyond the ordinary. With reprints regularly appearing in the Best of the Net Anthology, Boxcar promises to publish the choicest poems they can find. Lyric, narrative, and everything in-between, the…

The Twelve Best Literary Journals of 2015

In 2015 Authors Publish reviewed well over 50 literary journals. Some were just summary reviews as part of a larger list, but most were comprehensive reviews that described submission guidelines and the journal’s preferences. As a way of celebrating 2015, we have created a list of the top twelve literary journals we reviewed this year….

The Twelve Best Manuscript Publishers of 2015

There are a lot of publishers out there and it can be overwhelming to find the right ones. We help authors by reviewing one publisher a week. Some of these reviews are glowing, others are deservedly mixed. Below are the top publishers that we have reviewed in 2015. All of these publishers are open to…

Our Eleven Most Popular Articles of 2015

Of the many articles we published on writing and publishing this year, the following eleven were our most popular in the magazine and on Facebook. They also had the most positive feedback in terms of emails and comments. It is interesting to see the range of ideas these articles cover within the realm of writing….

Southern Indiana Review: Now Accepting Submissions

Southern Indiana Review, a print publication of Southern Indiana University, is a biannual journal of poetry, fiction, drama, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, and art. While they showcase well-known contributors from across the nation, they also devote pages to local and emerging writers. They publish many styles of writing—literary, experimental, personal, humorous, critical, and the like—on many…

WiDo Publishing: Book Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Last Updated November, 2017 A small family run publisher, WiDo publishes fiction and nonfiction books. They are currently particularly interested in science fiction, fantasy, mystery/suspense, and nonfiction essay collections and memoirs. They added a vanity publishing arm last year, but said they initially said they would not redirect submissions from the traditional publisher to the…

Do We Have To Write Every Day?

Written by Mori Glaser Many writers say it’s essential to write every day – anything, even a few words for a few minutes. I see how this conventional wisdom can help launch a project or keep an existing one moving along, especially when there is a deadline. Certainly long pieces of writing such as novels…

10 Things You Should Never Do When Self-Publishing Your Novel

Written By Savanna Williams If you’ve never self-published a book before, it’s easy to fall prey to a lot of faulty advice. Many people are eager to tell you “Just write, upload, and watch the money flow in!” If only it was that easy. Self-publishing is just as difficult as traditional publishing, just in its…

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