
94 Creations: Now Accepting Submissions of Short Stories, Essays, and Poetry

94 Creations is a print literary journal that publishes two issues every year. They publish short stories, non-fiction, and poetry, by new and emerging authors. The work they gravitate towards is gritty and offbeat. 94 Creations is based out of  Louisville, Kentucky. They are open to submissions from June 1st till August 31st. Work submitted…

How To Fail Miserably With Self-Publishing

I’ve seen indie authors who’ve done nearly everything right except for one thing. These authors have poured their hearts and souls into their book projects. Their prose sings. They have an amazing book cover and interior design. They have good editing. Yet too many of these books will never reach their sales potential. In fact,…

Advice From Other Authors I’m Glad I Finally Listened To

As an independently published writer I follow a lot of social media pages about writing, and more specifically, promoting your writing. I expect most ‘indie’ or self-published writers do the same. We are all searching for the holy grail of advice, the top tips to success that have so far eluded us. I read anything…

Triangle Square: Now Accepting Children’s Book Submissions

UPDATED October 6th 2020: They are no longer open to unsolicited submissions. Triangle Square is an imprint of Seven Stories Press that focuses on publishing young adult novels and children’s books. Seven Stories Press is an independent publisher that is well respected and has been around for twenty years. Their books are distributed by Random…

Crooked Cat: Now Accepting eBook Submissions

Updated February 2019 – An author contacted us with information about them that made it clear that the contract they have authors signs contains some unfair clauses. They are also now a hybrid publisher. We do not recommend submitting. Updated September 2018 – They have declared themselves closed to submissions. They still appear to be…

Harlequin: Now Accepting Submissions

Harlequin is easily the most famous romance only publisher out there. In fact, their name was synonymous with romance novel when I was growing up. They have wide distribution, from grocery stores to bookstores. They are everywhere. Most of the famous romance writers got their start at Harlequin. They were acquired by Harper Collins a…

Still Alice: A Self Publishing Success Story

Lisa Genova started selling her self-published book out of her car. Now her book has been made into a major motion picture. This is the story of how she went from a self published author to a New York Times bestseller with a major publisher and a well established career. Her book, Still Alice, was…

Crossroads Publishing

Crossroads Publishing is a large established publisher of Christian and spiritual writing. They should not be confused with other presses with similar names, of which there is at least one. Crossroads has published authors like Mother Teresa, Timothy M. Gallagher, Pope Benedict, and Bernard McGinn. They do not publish fiction. They publish books on prayer,…

Scrutiny: Open to Submissions

Scrutiny is a new electronic literary journal that publishes fiction. All the fiction that they publish could be categorized as magic realism. They ask that you don’t submit fantasy. Magic realism is often defined by the matter-of-fact inclusion of fantastic or mythical elements They have yet to publish their first issue. However, their site is…

10 Publishers for Your Mystery Novel

Mystery is one of those genres that over the years has managed to accumulate a huge number of sub-genres. From cozy mysteries, literary mysteries, and crime novels to ones focused on conspiracies, now there is a mystery sub-genre for almost every reader’s taste. The majority of the following publishers focus on one or two sub-genres…

Three Themed Calls For Submissions

The following three magazines publish diverse work. Some are print magazines, others electronic. But all of them are reading for a themed issue and all of them close to new submissions before the end of July. Below is a brief review of each of the journals as well as information about the theme they are…

22 Romance Publishers That Accept Submissions Without an Agent

Updated April 1st 2019 As ebook readers have grown more popular, the publishing market has changed significantly. This has had a huge impact on the self-publishing industry. The In this list there are traditional print publishers, established romance stalwarts, up and coming eBook publishers, digital imprints of the big five publishers, and everything in between….

50-Word Short Stories: Now Accepting Submissions

An approachable market for writers at any stage, 50-Word Stories publishes microfiction stories of exactly 50 words. With so few words to play with, writers are challenged to make intentional choices so their stories can still have traditional beginnings, middles, and ends, in addition to plots, character development, and pace. In providing guidance for contributors,…

Memoirabilia: Now Accepting Submissions

Memoirabilia is a new journal for writers who are interested in or have already written their memoirs. Both print and an e-version of the magazine are available for purchase from its website. Each issue contains tips and suggestions on how to get started and stay motivated. These short informative articles, written by established memoir writers,…

10 Respected Publishers of Science Fiction Short Stories

The following 10 magazines and journals focus on publishing science fiction. Some also are interested in publishing horror, fantasy, and speculative fiction, as well as poetry, but the main focus remains on Science Fiction. All of these journals are highly respected, many have been around for a long time. All of the following journals pay…

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