Manuscript Publishers

TCK Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

TCK Publishing was founded in 2011 by Tom Corson-Knowles. Tom Corson-Knowles is also an author and has published a number of his own books through TCK Publishing. It’s not clear if he started TCK Publishing as a way to self-publish, but it is clear that TCK has moved past that, publishing many books, on a…

Magination Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED  January 19th 2023: They appear to no longer be accepting submissions. There are no longer any guidelines on their website. Magination Press is the children’s book imprint of the American Psychological Association. As a publisher they focus on sharing mental health expertise and psychological knowledge. The books they publish include bestsellers and much-loved family…

Steerforth Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Steerforth Press was launched in 1993, with a catalog featuring a “Manifesto for a New Press” which stated “Our interests fall into no category, no field, no niche; our tests of a book’s worth are whether it has been written well, is intended to engage the full attention of the reader, and has something new…

Hydra Publications: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated January 2025: They are closed to submissions at this time. Hydra Publications is based in Indiana, and should not be confused with Random House’s Hydra imprint, or Hydra House, a Pacific Northwest based publisher of speculative fiction. Hydra Publications started out publishing a wide variety of genres, but now publish mainly speculative fiction, with…

Llewellyn: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Llewellyn is the oldest and largest publisher specializing in books for body, mind, and spirit. They were founded in 1901. They publish books as well as other items, like tarot card decks. They accept submissions on a wide variety of topics, listed below. They try to focus on the practical and self-help aspect of this…

JournalStone: Accepting Manuscript Submissions through October 31st

Updated March 7th, 2024. They are still actively publishing work but their guidelines list a 2022 date, even though they had a 2023 reading period. Approach with caution. JournalStone is a horror publisher that bills themselves as “your link to artistic talent”. They also run a number of magazines, websites and presses, including Dark Discoveries…

Sourcebooks Casablanca: Now Seeking Manuscript Queries

Sourcebooks is a major independent publisher in the US whom we have reviewed here. Sourcebooks was founded in 1987, and in 1996 Sourcebooks Casablanca joined the family.  Three other imprints followed. They have major distribution and good covers. While their other fiction imprints open and close to unagented submissions, they are almost always open  to…

Outpost19: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Last updated March 27th, 2024 Outpost19 Books is a publisher of novels, memoirs, biographies, short fiction and essay collections, reportage and innovative hybrids. They are based in San Francisco and were established in 2011 as a digital only publisher. They have since expanded to print. Their covers vary from excellent to amateurish. Many have received…

Reycraft Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Their mission is to create books of interest for all children. Founded by Sera Reycraft, a Korean who immigrated to the United States as a child, they mostly focus on publishing diverse books from underrepresented communities, particularly by #ownvoices authors. You can get a feel for what they publish here. Reycraft Books is linked to…

Thread: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated October 21st, 2024: A subscriber pointed out that even though Bookouture has been very active, and is still expanding into other imprints, there have been no new publications from Thread in a year. I would not submit to them at this time. Thread is a new non-fiction imprint from Bookouture which is owned by Hachette….

Rowman & Littlefield: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Roman & Littlefield is a independent publisher based outside of Washington, DC. They focus on educational publishing, academic publishing with a focus on Humanities and Social Sciences, and well as publishing government and official data. Some of what they publish is very specific and niche, while other work is clearly intended for a broad audience….

Tiny Fox Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated March 2025 Founded in 2015 as a collective of writers, Tiny Fox Press originally focused on publishing work by the editors. This is a form of self- publishing, but they have branched out since then, although they are still publishing some books by the editors. They used to have a regularly updated blog, a…

Amble Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated November 2022: Even though they don’t list this as part of their submission guidelines anywhere their website, they’ve been turning away authors for not being based in the US. We will be removing them from the next round of the manuscript publishers guide as they are no longer eligible for review as part of…

Blair: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Updated February 5th, 2025: It’s hard to determine is they are still actively hosting free contests for submissions or not. Blair is a nonprofit press combining the lists of Carolina Wren Press and John F. Blair, Publisher. To learn more about the history of both presses which merged in 2018, go here. Based in the…

Duckworth Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update March 2023: Closed to Submissions, but may reopen. Warning: This review briefly discusses childhood sexual assault. Please skip if you want to. Duckworth Books was started in 1898, is one of Britain’s oldest independent presses, and it has published many well-known and influential authors over the years. They have one of the most in-depth…

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