Manuscript Publishers

Titan Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Titan Books is a UK-based publisher. They are part of Titan Entertainment Group, which you can learn more about here. They publish a wide range of nonfiction, fiction, and graphic novels, but most of the fiction and graphic novels they publish is licensed from overseas and they are only open to direct submissions in the…

Stone Pier Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated May 23, 2024. They are currently closed to submissions. Stone Pier Press is a niche publisher that describes themselves as “an environmental publishing company with a food focus.” They are a San Francisco based non-profit focused towards a climate-friendly food system. They say they do this by “publishing good books about good food and…

Blackwater Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Blackwater Press is a new small press based in West Virginia, with an international team of editors. They also run an editorial consultancy, but when I reached out to the press directly the editors informed me that they did not direct writers submitting to the press to their editorial services and that they don’t accept…

Cider Mill Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

UPDATED August 11, 2023. They now appear permently closed to submissions. Cider Mill Press was an independent publisher of cookbooks,  humor books, children’s books and a variety of nonfiction related to alcohol.  In  late 2022 Harper Focus acquired Cider Mill Press. Most of what they publish could be loosely categorized as “gift books”. They are…

Invisible City: Now Seeking Submissions

Invisible City is an online journal of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, produced by the MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco. They like writing that, “makes the unseen seen, examining the world through previously unconsidered perspectives and angles.” They especially like to showcase emerging authors, and authors who identify with underrepresented groups….

Cleis Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated October 9th 2023, They are currently open only to agented submissions. I’m not sure if this is a permanent change or a temporary one. Cleis Press is the largest independent sexuality publishing company in the United States, and they focus on LGBTQ, BDSM, romance, and erotic writing for all sexual preferences. They publish LGBTQ+…

Upper Room: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Upper Room is a Christian press that focuses on “Christian spiritual formation.” The work they publish is designed to appeal to both clergy and lay people. It is designed with individuals and small groups in mind. They “seek writers who offer insights and guidance on these topics: prayer and other spiritual practices, spiritual formation, Advent…

Odyssey Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update June 2023: The last book they published was in October 2022. Since they are a small press more might be forthcoming, but since they are currently closed to submissions it’s not exactly clear what the future holds. Odyssey Books is a small press based in New Zealand. It was founded in 2009 by Michelle…

Wesleyan University Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals on Dance and Music

Wesleyan University Press focuses on poetry, music, dance, science fiction studies, film-TV, and Connecticut history and culture. They have been actively publishing since 1957. Books they have published have won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. They are an established and respected university press. Currently they are accepting proposals for books in the…

Codhill Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Founded in 1998 by David Appelbaum, then editor of Parabola Magazine, Codhill Press has always focused on publishing books for the “serious seeker”, and most books contain a spiritual element, many are still rooted in Buddihism. This includes work of fiction, poetry (including a chapbook series), and creative nonfiction. Their mission statement from the start…

BHC Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

BHC Press was founded in 2016 as a hybrid publisher that offered some traditional contracts, but mostly published books along a hybrid model, meaning that authors contributed money towards the publication of their book. In March of 2020 they fully eliminated hybrid publishing and transitioned fully towards being a traditional publisher (Authors Publish only reviews…

Apollo Publishers: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Apollo Publishers was founded in 2016 and published their first books in 2018. You can learn more about Apollo Publishers’ start here. A number of the editors and employees are experienced in the publishing industry, which is always a good sign. You can learn more about the current team behind Apollo Publishers here. Apollo Publishers…

Welbeck Publishing Group: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated January 2024: They were recently acquired by Hachette UK and appear to no longer be open to direct submissions. Welbeck Publishing Group was formerly known as the Carlton Publishing Group. It is a London-based independent book publisher of fiction, non-fiction, gift and children’s books. It was established in 2019. They have good international distribution…

Monkfish: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Monkfish is an independent press that focuses on publishing religious, spiritual, and literary books from a diverse range of perspectives. They have published memoirs, fiction, poetry, scholarly works, and wisdom literature, which you can get a better feel for by downloading the catalog here. They publish debut authors, as well as backlist work. They are…

49 Manuscript Publishers with Geographic Restrictions

All of the presses on this list meet all but one of our guiding principles. All of these presses only accept work from writers with a specific geographic region or nationality, some have very strict limitations, and others are more lenient. Because of that, we have never reviewed these presses, but they are still good…

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