Manuscript Publishers

Psychonaut Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update August 2023, they now charge 5 dollars to submit, so they no longer qualify for a listing with us. Psychonaut Press is currently hosting an open reading period for full-length speculative fiction novels. We do not review brand new publishers without track records, but even though Psychonaut Press has yet to publish any books,…

Art/Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Art/Books is an independent UK based publisher of books on art, architecture, design, photography, and contemporary culture. They were founded in 2012. You can get a feel for what they are currently publishing by visiting this page. It’s important to note that they appear to have published very few books during the peak of the…

Oxford University Press: Now Accepting Proposals and Manuscript Submissions

Oxford University Press, like most university presses, is open to direct submissions. It has much better distribution systems than most university presses. They publish nonfiction with an academic focus on a wide range of subjects. They are open to proposals and manuscripts. Their website is much more thorough in terms of helping outline how the…

Enchanted Lion: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 4th, 2025 Enchanted Lion is a children’s book publisher based in Brooklyn that was founded in 2003. You can learn more about their team here. Their books are well designed, engaging, and have great covers. Many of the books they have published have been featured in the New York Times, and won awards….

BearManor Media: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Updated July 30th 2024: They appear to no longer be publishing books. In fact most of their announced catalogue for 2023 was never published. They have not published anything in 2024 that I could find. I would steer clear. BearManor Media is a independent press that focuses on publishing nonfiction books about the entertainment industry….

Dancing Lemur Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Dancing Lemur Press is a small US Press that has been actively publishing work since 2009. They are based in North Carolina and seem to regularly participate in local events. They don’t have active distribution, which is to say that although they are distributed with Ingram, Ingram is not actively involved in placing their books…

Interlude Press and Duet Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 6th 2024, they are not updating the website, and I do not think they plan to. I don’t know why Chicago Review Press appears to not be moving forward with this imprint, but there have been no new deals listed on Publishers Marketplace since Duet was acquired by them. Interlude Press and Duet…

Orbis Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Orbis Books was founded in 1970, and they are the publishing arm Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, a Catholic organization of leaders in religious publishing since 1970. Within that scope they publish a wide range of books on prayer, spirituality, Catholic life, theology, mission and current affairs. The work they publish tries to encompass “the global…

Yale University Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions & Book Proposals

Updated March 2024 Yale University Press (YUP), like most university presses, is open to direct submissions and manuscript proposals. Yale University Press was established in 1909 and you can learn more about their history here. You can see their current catalog here. When you submit to YUP, submit to only one editor. The editors are…

Prestel: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Prestel is an imprint of Penguin Random House that focuses on art, architecture, design, and photography. If you’ve been to more than one major art gallery opening in the past decade in North America, chances are you’ve encountered one of their many exhibit catalogues. Their logo was immediately familiar to me for this reason. The…

Fair Winds Press: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Fair Winds Press is now an imprint of Quarto publishing, which we’ve reviewed here. Fair Winds Press was originally founded in 2001 as part of the Rockport Publishing Group. Fair Winds focuses on providing readers with authoritative and accessible information that helps them live “a healthier life, both physically and spiritually.” This sounds specific but…

Titan Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Titan Books is a UK-based publisher. They are part of Titan Entertainment Group, which you can learn more about here. They publish a wide range of nonfiction, fiction, and graphic novels, but most of the fiction and graphic novels they publish is licensed from overseas and they are only open to direct submissions in the…

Stone Pier Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated Jan 21, 2025. They are currently only open to submissions of books about sustainable gardening. Stone Pier Press is a niche publisher that describes themselves as “an environmental publishing company with a food focus.” They are a San Francisco based non-profit focused towards a climate-friendly food system. They say they do this by “publishing…

Blackwater Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Blackwater Press is a new small press based in West Virginia, with an international team of editors. They also run an editorial consultancy, but when I reached out to the press directly the editors informed me that they did not direct writers submitting to the press to their editorial services and that they don’t accept…

Cider Mill Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

UPDATED August 11, 2023. They now appear permently closed to submissions. Cider Mill Press was an independent publisher of cookbooks,  humor books, children’s books and a variety of nonfiction related to alcohol.  In  late 2022 Harper Focus acquired Cider Mill Press. Most of what they publish could be loosely categorized as “gift books”. They are…

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