
Encircle Publications: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Encircle Publications is a small press that focuses primarily on publishing mainstream fiction and mystery novels. But they also publish some other genres including poetry. They’ve only been around since 2016, but they’ve published a fair number of books at this point. They started out only publishing mystery novels, but one of the owners is…

Biblioasis: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Biblioasis is a literary press based in Windsor, Ontario. They publish poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. They publish short story collections and translated works. The books they publish have beautiful covers. Within Canada they have good distribution. Unlike most Canadian presses they accept international submissions, however they use the term “select”. If you are submitting internationally…

McSweeney’s: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED October 2022: They have been closed to submissions for over two years now. McSweeney’s is one of my personal favorite publishers. They publish literary fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. I own a large number of the books they have published in the last decade. McSweeney’s was founded in 1998 by Dave Eggers. They originally started out…

Whiskey Tit: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Whiskey Tit attempts to restore degradation and degeneracy to the literary arts. We are unwilling to sacrifice intellectual rigour, unrelenting playfulness, and visual beauty, often leading to texts that would otherwise be abandoned in a homogenised literary landscape. In a world gone mad, our refusal to make this sacrifice is an act of civil service…

Wundor Editions: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 17th, 2020: They appear to be permanently closed. A ‘wundor’is a miracle or a powerful feat of creativity. It is also a monster or a strange creature. It is an Old English word which runs the breadth of the artistic imagination and its unlimited potential. “Wundor Editions is committed to publishing innovative and…

Acre Books: Accepting Queries

Updated August 1st, 2024 Acre Books is an imprint of The Cincinnati Review. They focus on publishing fiction, nonfiction, hybrid forms and poetry. They are particularly interested in working with debut writers. They are not accepting submissions of full manuscripts. They ask that authors query first. Their website focuses on selling books, not on recruiting…

The Pangolin Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Pangolin Review is a new online poetry journal based in Mauritius and edited by Amit Parmessur, a poet who (of course) loves poetry. Their first issue was released this year on January 8th, and they plan to release a new issue every other month on the 8th, totaling six issues a year. The most…

Coffee House Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 2024 –  Their submission link is broken and they have not fixed it. I do not know if this means they are closed to submissions going forward or not. Coffee House Press (CHP) is a respected literary press with a great reputation. They are only open for short submission periods. You have to…

The Fiction Week Literary Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Fiction Week Literary Review is an online magazine of innovative poetry and fiction. Since 2009, they have been publishing ground-breaking new writing that seeks to find novel ways to tell a story. They also publish craft essays, selections from novels, and reviews of innovative fiction and poetry books. You can get a sense of…

City Lights Books: Accepting Proposals

Updated March 31st 2022: They have indefinitely closed to unsolicited submissions. “City Lights Books is an independent publisher of fiction, essays, memoirs, translations, poetry, and books on social and political issues. We do not publish New Age, self-help, children’s literature, how-to guides, or genre works such as romance, westerns, or science fiction.” City Lights Books…

BlazeVOX: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update January 2023: They have a history of not responding to submissions they are not interested in, even though this is not part of their submission guidelines. Many authors find this frustrating, so please keep this in mind when approaching them. BlazeVOX [books] presents innovative fictions and wide ranging fields of contemporary poetry. Our books…

Hohm Press: Now Accepting Book Queries

A small print publisher based out of Arizona, Hohm has been around for many years. They are a respected press that has published a number of well-known authors. They generally focus on health and wellness. They are not interested in fiction or short story collections. Their website was updated in the last two years and…

Speaking Volumes: Now Seeking Book Queries

UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 27TH –  Some Submissions to Speaking Volumes are now being re-directed to two hybrid imprints where authors are required to pre-purchase 75 copies.  This is a real issue because the business’s are not separated. A traditional publisher should never re-route you to a hybrid imprint of that same press. We are recommending…

52 Poetry Manuscript Publishers Who Do Not Charge Reading Fees

Updated January 2017 I have written before about the fact that most poetry manuscript publishers charge their readers to submit. You can read about that here if you want to know more. This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for…

Platypus Press: Submission Guidelines

Updated January, 2020 Platypus Press is a publisher of prose and poetry. They were founded five years ago and an established a track record. They are open to a wide variety of genres, but they don’t go into the specifics of what the genres are. Their only guidelines for fiction are no erotica, horror, fan…

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