
Clementine Poetry: Accepting Submissions

Clementine has an elegant and easy to navigate website. They publish one issue every month. Most issues include the work of eight poets. They generally publish one poem per poet. After publication your poem appears on the first page for a month and then is is held in the digital archives for a year and…

Bloomsbury Spark: Now Accepting Book Manuscripts

UPDATE: June 23rd 2016. A reader reported Bloomsbury Spark’s contact email was not working. Eventually she was able to contact someone at Bloomsbury Spark who said that they are no longer open to unsolicited submissions. The website has not been updated at this point and all the unsolicited submission guidelines are still up. However they…

One Teen Story: Now Open To Submissions

One Teen Story is a literary magazine for teens and adults who read young adult fiction. They publish 12 issues a year digitally and in print. Each issue contains only one story. They pay their authors $500 dollars and 25 contributor copies for first North American serial rights. The rights revert back to the author…

Quote of the Week

Naugutuck River Review: Now Accepting Poetry Submissions

Naugatuck  River Review (NRR) is a print and electronic literary journal that is focused on publishing narrative poems. A narrative poem is any poem that tells a story.  Now NRR is particularly interested in publishing poems with a compressed narrative, so a poem that tells a story in as little space as possible. The stories…

Big World Network: Now Accepting Submissions

UPDATED May 2017: They are not currently open to submissions, and they appear to be dealing with serious issues. If they do reopen to submissions I would approach with even more caution than previously advised.    Big World Network is a very unusual publisher that was founded in 2011. They release the stories they publish…

5 Reasons To Celebrate Being An Indie Author

Like a lot of indie authors out there, my publishing journey began with submissions and rejections. Not so long ago, this constant series of rebuttals would have been the end of the road for many books, but these days, thanks to self-publishing, it needn’t be. Becoming an indie author can provide hope to writers who…

Black & White Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Updated August 2023 Black & White Publishing was founded in 1995 and is now one of the largest Scottish publishers. They currently have over 200 books in print. They are based in Scotland, but they are open to publishing work by authors of any nationality or geographical location. They are an established publisher; among the many…

Why Do You Write?

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week, but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest winner…

The Best Original Novel Title

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week, but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest winner…

Quote of the Week

Crimson Cloak: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Crimson Cloak Publishing is now open to submissions and is seeking submissions of any genre except erotica, so romance writers take note of that exception.  Crimson Cloak Publishing accepts submissions from seasoned authors as well as those from new emerging authors.  It doesn’t matter how experienced an author is, only that they are great writers…

The Truth About Poetry Manuscripts

Novelists and non-fiction writers face a lot of hurdles on their road to publication, but they are very different than the ones faced by poets. The major hurdle that poets face is reading and contest fees. I always tell writers looking to publish fiction or non-fiction that they should never pay a traditional publisher.  I…

Quote of the Week

Writing Contest: Invent A Word

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week, but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest winner…

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