Literary Journals Publishing Genre

The Opening Line: Accepting Submissions

              The Opening Line is an online literary journal that is open to publishing a wide range of work including novel excerpts, flash fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and short stories. They only publish work by authors who were previously unpublished. It is very compelling to read the issues they…

Black Fox Literary Magazine: Now Accepting Submissions

              Black Fox Literary Magazine is a print and online publication of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. They publish many forms and styles of work in all genres, but they especially like to publish styles of fiction that tend to be under-represented in literary journals, such as mystery, crime, romance,…

Ten Literary Journals That Respond Within A Month

Updated February 16th, 2016 When I had first started submitting to literary journals, I found that by submitting to a number of journals that had quick response times I was able to remain motivated to continue submitting my work for publication. After all, if you submit to a journal and don’t hear anything for up…

Shotgun Honey

Shotgun Honey is an online literary journal that has very specific content. They publish only fiction that is under 700 words in length and is in the genre of crime fiction. Within that genre, they like hard-boiled and noir fiction the best. Think of authors like Hammet and Chandler. Although they will accept general crime…

The Top Five Journals That Have Re-opened to Submissions This Month

A lot of good and interesting literary journals have re-opened to submissions this April. Here are the five journals I am most excited about seeing open to submissions again.  They are not listed in any particular order. 1. Stoneboat Stoneboat is a print journal that tries to publish a mix of established and emerging writers….

A Bad Penny Review: Now Accepting Submissions

A Bad Penny Review is a print and online magazine based in Georgia. Founded in 2011, this young journal is decidedly transgressive. Their aim is to emulate the idea of the bad penny: that which is considered unpleasant, disreputable, and unwanted. They prize experimental and conceptual work, and have a particular interest in work that…

Dark Futures: Open To Submissions

Dark Futures is an established online journal that pays their writers a small token payment. They publish short stories and poetry.They are interested in work with post apocalyptic or cyber punk themes. They are also interested in science fiction and horror, or anything that would fit under the heading of Dark Futures. They are interested…

Crack The Spine: Open to Submissions

Crack The Spine is an online and print journal. They publish four print issues a year and 52 electronic issues. They seek to publish  strange literary works in a number of different forms, including flash fiction, micro-fiction, poetry, short stories, personal essays, and book reviews. Crack The Spine has an easy to navigate website that…

Halfway Down The Stairs: Open To Submissions

Halfway Down the Stairs is an established electronic journal that has been around for some time and seems to have established a regular readership. They publish poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, as well as book reviews.  New issues are published quarterly (March, June, September, and December), and each issue has a theme. They primarily publish mainstream  literary…

Shock Totem: Open To Submissions

Shock Totem is a literary journal that publishes horror and dark fantasy short stories as well as non-fiction about real horrors, such as addiction. They are also open to poetry, as long as it is dark, on a more limited basis. They are primarily a bi-annual print journal, but they do publish some writing electronically…

Beorh Quarterly: Open To Submissions

Beorh Quarterly is an online literary journal that publishes four issues every year. They accept poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction, they are also open to work from any genre, except they are not interested in erotica or romance.  Horror, science fiction, mystery, and most other genres are fine. They are only interested in work that…

Voluted Tales: Accepting Submissions

Voluted Tales Magazine publishes four monthly e-editions, roughly one each week of the month. All regular editions are edited and published by Mark Turner. These  weekly editions include a Voluted Tales General edition, a Voluted Tales Themed edition, a Voluted Tales Serials edition and a Voluted Tales Classics/Steampunk edition. They publish around 48 issues a…

Review of Lightspeed

Lightspeed is an established monthly electronic publisher of science fiction and fantasy writing. Many of the works that have been published there have gone on to be nominated for prestigious genre awards, including the Hugo and Nebulla awards. They pay their authors 8 cents a word and publish stories of up to 7,500 words in…

Shimmer: Open to Submissions

Last Updated December 2017 Shimmer is an online journal that specializes in publishing speculative fiction. They largely publish contemporary fantasy short stories, although they are also open to science fiction and horror. They favor stories that are burdened by sadness, but have space for the occasional humorous ones as well. Shimmer is one of the…

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