Manuscript Publishers

VERVE BOOKS: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

VERVE BOOKS is the new digital-first imprint of No Exit Press. No Exit Press is one of the top UK-based mystery publishers, and they are not open to direct submissions, but VERVE BOOKS is. They will focus on publishing crime, thriller and commercial fiction genres, with the focus being on character driven stories. Digital-first means…

Camel Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Camel Press is the genre imprint of Epicenter Press. Camel Press publishes genre work, focusing primary on mystery, including the following sub-genres: suspense, cozy mystery, mystery thrillers, and romantic suspense. They also publish romance, both contemporary and historical and will consider general fiction, historical fiction and westerns, particularly if the author has a strong promotional…

The Story Plant: Accepting Queries

Updated September 26th, 2024: We have received first hand reports, and also seen posts here, about the editor requesting full manuscripts, and then responding very late, or not all, to the full. Please take that is consideration. The Story Plant was founded in 2008 by two editors with industry experience, Lou Aronica and Peter Miller….

Veritas Publishing: Open to Book Proposals

Veritas is Ireland’s leading religious publisher. They also are a retailer, with stores across Ireland. They publish over 40 books each year in the areas of theology, scripture, prayer, spirituality, parenting, counselling, children’s issues, social commentary, and liturgical resources. They also publish religious educational text for use in Irish schools. To get a good feel…

Bella Books: Accepting Submissions

Bella Books is a press focused on publishing stories about women-loving-women, and they are interested in acquiring manuscripts that involve these stories across all genres, including romance, mystery, thriller, paranormal, etc. They are based in Tallahassee, Florida. The press is currently owned by Linda Hill who also owns Spinsters Ink and Bean Pole Books. They…

The O’Brien Press: Open to Submissions

The O’Brien Press is an established and respected publisher that is based in Ireland. They favour Irish voices, but are open to international submissions. They publish nonfiction for adults, and fiction and nonfiction for children. They share this list under the heading, what we are excited about. Adult Non-Fiction: Humour, sport, photography, Irish history and…

Claret Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED July 30th, they have just adjusted their guidelines to only allow submissions by British writers. This adjustment was made after our review was sent out. We apologize for the inconvenience. Claret Press is a UK-based publisher of politics, issues, and place in the form of creative nonfiction, and fiction. They were founded in 2015….

Black Scat Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Black Scat Books is a small press based in San Francisco. They are an independent press focused on publishing books of sublime art & literature— absurdist fiction, dada, surrealism, pataphysics, erotica, and works in translation. They regularly publish anthologies, so that is a good way to start submitting to them. The one they are seeking submissions for now…

HellBound Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Hellbound Books is an independent horror press that publishes books and anthologies. They often have open calls for anthology submissions if you want to get a feel for them as a press before committing to submitting a full manuscript. Hellbound Books publishes novels and novellas that fall into the following genres: Horror, Bizarro, Erotic Horror,…

Sourcebooks: Now Seeking Book Submissions

Updated April 1st, 2024: They are currently closed to nonfiction work, but their romance and horror imprints remain open to unagented submissions. Sourcebooks is based out of Illinois, they also have offices in Connecticut and New York. Sourcebooks was started in 1987 by Dominique Raccah. They also have several imprints, all founded within the last…

Jessica Kingsley Publishers: Open to Proposals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP) is an established UK Press (with a US office) that was purchased by John Murray Press/Hachette UK in 2017. You can read more about this acquisition here. JKP focuses on publishing high quality books for professional and general readers on a variety of subjects. They are best known for their books…

Nightfire: Temporarily Open to Manuscript Submissions

Nightfire, the horror imprint of Tor/Forge, is open to submissions of novellas (20,000-40,000 words) and novels (40,000-200,000 words) for a very brief period this June (2020). It opened on the 15th and will close on the 22nd. Tor/Forge is a science fiction and fantasy imprint of McMillan and you can learn more about them here….

Legend Press: Accepting Manuscript Queries

Legend Press is a UK based independent press open to direct and agented submissions. They publish contemporary fiction and crime fiction (largely psychological and political thrillers). They do not publish any work that falls outside of these genres. You can get a good feel for what they publish by visiting their website here. Years ago…

SmartPop Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update July 27th 2022: You must now pitch to them through the main BenBella site. SmartPop Books is an imprint of BenBella Books, an established and respected non-fiction publisher. According to their website, SmartPop is “actively looking for smart, quirky, engaging non-fiction titles on television, books, and film.” They are open to anthologies, as well…

Owl Canyon Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Owl Canyon Press is an independent publisher based out of Boulder, Colorado. They were founded in 2011. They publish fiction, nonfiction, young adult fiction, and works in translation. It’s easy to get a feel for what sort of work they publish by browsing their catalog. They have local distribution, but outside of Colorado, I suspect…

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