Manuscript Publishers

Henery Press: Book Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Updated October 16th, 2018. They are no longer accepting unaganted submissions with three exceptions. Henery Press is a small publisher that focuses on publishing mystery and chick lit. Their mysteries are generally on the cozier side. They publish print and electronic editions of their books. A number of their books have sold well on Amazon….

Ulysses Press: Submission Guidelines

Updated March 13th 2020 Ulysses Press is an independent publisher that has been around for almost a decade. They focus on publishing non-fiction books aimed at niche markets.  It is a good idea to go through their catalog before submitting to see if your work is a good fit for their press. They are looking…

Entangled Publishing: Now Accepting Book Manuscripts

Updated February 2025 Entangled Publishing is an independent publisher of adult and young adult romantic fiction. Since its first release in July 2011, Entangled has published more than 970 titles. This number includes a lot of titles that have made it onto the New York Times Bestsellers list and the USA Today Bestsellers list. Some…

Platypus Press: Submission Guidelines

Updated January, 2020 Platypus Press is a publisher of prose and poetry. They were founded five years ago and an established a track record. They are open to a wide variety of genres, but they don’t go into the specifics of what the genres are. Their only guidelines for fiction are no erotica, horror, fan…

Ghostwoods Books: Submission Guidelines

March 31st 2021: Based on Information on their website they appear to be defunct. Ghostwoods Books is a small publisher that has been around for five years now. They publish books in paperback and e-book editions. They publish sci-fi, fantasy, speculative fiction and non-gore horror novels for adults. They recently ran a successful crowd funding…

Ghost Pines Publishing: Submission Guidelines (Dark Fantasy)

UPDATE: They have gone out of business. Ghost Pines Publishing is an independent press dedicated to dark fantasy fiction. They go to great length to define the term dark fantasy, but the main points appear to be that dark fantasy is sympathetic to the monsters themselves and it is set in a contemporary setting with…

Siren Bookstrand: Book Submission Guidelines

Siren Bookstrand is a popular publisher of romance and erotica. They only publish books that end happily ever after. They publish many books every year and most authors seem happy with the work that the Siren Bookstrand editors do. They are primarily an electronic publisher, but they also have print editions. They are most known for…

Paulist Press: Submission Guidelines

Paulist Press is an established press that has been around for 150 years. It is founded and run by the Paulist Fathers, a society of missionary priests founded for and by Americans in 1858. Paulist Press publishes Christian books in a wide variety of sub-genres, they have excellent distribution and sales within that market. They…

Loose ID: Romance Book Publisher Seeking Submissions

Last Updated December 2017: Unfortunately Loose ID will close their doors next year. You can read more about this here. Loose ID is a romance publisher that publishes a large number of electronic books every year. They are open to reprints and works by brand new authors. They have four lines, Love Unleashed (hot romance), …

Peachtree Publishing Company Inc.: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated October 8th, 2020 – Closed to unsolicited submissions for the foreseeable future. Peachtree Publishers is a well respected publisher with good distribution. They are based out of Atlanta Georgia and they specialize in publishing children’s books, young adult books, self help titles for parents and educators and guides to the American south. They also …

The Poisoned Pencil: Now Accepting YA Manuscript Submissions

Poisoned Pencil Press is a publisher of young adult mystery novels. They are an imprint of the respected publisher Poisoned Pen Press, and they are both based out of Scottsdale, Arizona. Poisoned Pencil Press is currently open to unsolicited submissions of manuscripts. They use the same easy to use online system (Submittable) for authors as…

Crimson Romance: Now Accepting to Book Submissions

Updated May 2017 Crimson Romance is a former imprint of Adams Media, that was bought by Simon & Schuster, this year. They remain open to unsolicited submissions. Crimson Romance is a digital-first romance line that is open to submissions in five popular subgenres: romantic suspense, contemporary, paranormal, historical, and spicy romance. They recently started accepting…

Parenting Press: Submission Guidelines

Last Updated March 2019 – They have still not announced their new guidelines for submissions after being acquired by Chicago Review Press. Parenting Press is a publisher that has been around for 35 years. They have good distribution and they focus on publishing work in a specific, niche market that they know well. Chicago Review…

Pajama Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED August 12th, 2024: They now are accepting Middle grade manuscripts. Pajama Press is a publisher of books for children and young adults. They focus on publishing literary works. They publish books that fall into a wide range of categories including: picture books, board books for the very young, young adult novels, and non-fiction for…

Osprey Publishing: Book Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Osprey Publishing is a company that focuses on a niche market and has good distribution. I have seen and purchased a number of their books in brick and mortar bookstores. Osprey publishes non-fiction books, focusing on military history. They also produce historical themed military adventure games. They are currently only accepting unsolicited proposals for manuscripts…

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