Young Adult

Tradewind Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Tradewind Books is a small publisher of  books for children and young adults located in British Columbia, Canada. They publish beautifully illustrated books, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and for young adults. They publish primarily fiction but also some poetry. They are not interested in nonfiction. It is important to note that they…

The Parliament House Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated February 2025: They have a number of 2024 books that were scheduled to be published that are still stuck on pre-order. The last book they published came out in 2023. I believe they are defunct. The Parliament House is a small eBook and print press started in 2016.  They specialize in fantasy, including paranormal,…

Bright Sky Press: Accepting Submissions

UPDATED MAY 30TH, 2018 – We are advising authors to proceed with caution regarding this press. We have received reports from authors and illustrators with their traditional publishing  arm that have not received payment for extended period of time, and authors who have been offered second print runs with strings attached. Bright Sky Press is…

Tell-Tale Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated February 2025: They appear to only be regularly publishing anthologies now, and their social media has grown a lot less active. Tell-Tale Publishing is a small press founded in 2009. They seem to focus primarily on eBooks but also they have print options (largely print on demand). They publish six imprints which include Dahlia…

Clean Teen Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 18th: 2020 – they have not published in over a year. I would consider them defunct. Do not submit. Clean Teen Publishing is a small publisher started a number of years ago. They publish print and electronic versions of books. All of the books they publish are aimed at teens. Their selling point,…

Filles Vertes Publishing: CLOSED

Updated August 2020-  Writers Beware Posted an Update about the situation with FVP. You can read it here. FVP ended up closing it’s doors as of the 27th of August. Do not Submit. Updated February 2019 – They have not been responding to submissions in a timely manner. Filles Vertes Publishing was founded in 2016….

Gibbs Smith: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated October 2022 Gibbs Smith is an established publisher with good distribution and a focus on cook books, interior design and architecture books, and board books for children. They have published a number of bestsellers, including a board book version of Pride & Prejudice. For small children they publish activity books, picture books, and board…

PYR: Now Accepting Book Manuscripts

UPDATED January 2018: They are now closed to unagented submissions. PYR is a science fiction and fantasy publisher. They are now an imprint of Prometheus Publishing. They have published a number of well known genre books and have good distribution. In fact it is worldwide, and their Canadian distributor is Penguin. In 2014 the founding…

Flux: Now Seeking Young Adult Book Manuscripts

Flux is an imprint of North Star Editions that publishes exclusively young adult fiction. Their motto is “Where Young Adult is a Point of View, not a Reading Level”. Most of the books they publish focus on the older end of the young adult market. They publish edgier, darker stuff, than other young adult publishers. …

Page Street Publishing: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Page Street Publishing is a publisher of full color, mostly hardcover, gift books, cookbooks, and craft-books. Most of them have an important visual component. To get a good feeling for what they have published in the past you can go here. They are distributed through Macmillan in every country but Canada (where they have a…

Diversion Books: Now Accepting Book Submissions

UPDATED April 16 2021: Writer’s Beware has additional details in depth and substantiated about the issue. There is a later update on the post that makes it clear some authors received payment but it’s not clear if the issue was fully resolved. UPDATED April 11 2021: International Thriller Writers has suspended Diversion from its list…

Dial Books For Young Readers: Accepting Submissions

Updated January 2019 – Dial Books for Young Readers is no longer open to direct submissions and has no plans to reopen for direct submissions. Dial Books For Young Readers publishes hardcover books aimed at children of all ages, including young adults. They are an imprint of Penguin that accepts unsolicited submissions. The catch? They…

Albert Whitman & Company: Now Seeking Book Manuscripts

In 2020 they had a serious non payment issues with a number of authors. As authors and agents came forward with these stories, information about other questionable practices came to light. You can read all about these issues here. In 2021 Publishers Weekly published a follow up article, where some of the issues are addressed…

Little Pickle Press: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated March 27, 2018: Little Pickle Press was acquired by Sourcebooks. No word yet on how this will change submissions etc. But you can learn more here. Little Pickle Press is a publisher in the process of re-branding to become March 4th, INC. They seem to be taking their time at the re-branding because both…

Charlesbridge Publishing: Now Seeking Submissions

Charlesbridge publishes high quality books for children and young adults with the goal of creating lifelong readers and lifelong learners. In 2010 Charlesbridge acquired Imagine Publishing which expanded what they were able to offer. They now have extensive audio offerings. They also publish adult nonfiction, cookbooks, and puzzle books. Charlesbridge is still best known for…

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